"What do you do all day?"
"Oh, mostly sit around and do Facebook and give myself pedicures and read romance novels and stuff."
(Sarcasm, you know. I'm fluent.)
It's more likely that I feed the children.
Namely, the one-year-old who cries until there is oatmeal in her tummy.
We get dressed every morning, except Sundays.
Sundays are "Jammy breakfast day".
(Because parents don't want to deal with oatmeal spilled on the nice dress for church...)
And I cuddle baby,
and read books,
and work on sounding out words with the 4-year-old.
I revel in the moments of peaceful play.
(not pictured: arguing)
Sometimes they watch a show.
Educational, right?
We have two snacks a day.
Skip a snack, and it's regretted for hours.
We all love baby Seeley.
However, Lucy particularly adores him.
"Mommy, I wish he was my baby."
Lunch, the pivotal meal of the day.
Exibit A: What happens when I'm out of fresh vegetables
Mine is pitas with turkey, sauteed mushrooms, fresh spinach, and homemade guacamole.
I spend a lot of afternoons with this one.
He is so sweet!
My day revolves around children.
Someone always needs attention, diversion, discipline, teaching, help,
encouragement, instruction, or comfort.
It's a constant emotional pull, and I always find that my reliance on God for strength
determines the flow of the day.
This particular day happened to be the Daddy's birthday.
We were very excited to celebrate!
It was a very thrilling day!
Bedtime takes about 30 minutes.
Brushing teeth, final bathroom stop, pajamas,
singing songs, praying, kisses, cuddles,
and finally they are ready to settle!
That's basically what I do, with the Littles, anyway.
After they're in bed I do the dishes, clean the kitchen, fold laundry (or put it away),
clean a room, or just sit and relax with tea and a snack.
Sometimes I even relax with Mr. Wonderful and we just talk or do projects together.
Pretty exciting, right?
I love it, every day, even when it's stressful.
As one woman wisely said, "You picked this job, so enjoy it!"