06 September, 2013

August in Pictures (Part Two)

 In Which We All Went to Camp

First night of camp; very laid back and introductory.

Early morning cuddles in Mommy's bed. 

My family was there too!
 Uncle Ezra
 and Uncle Silas.
Afternoon relaxation.

 Camp is exhausting! Lucy just couldn't help but fall asleep.

Ava made a new friend: Bridget. They were pretty much stuck together all of camp. It was so sweet!

Scott and I, and our friend Andrew, taught the 6-12 year olds in one of their morning classes.
The guys did 3 days, and I did the last lesson, all on the Fruit of the Spirit.
 It was a great time, and wonderful to see kids responding and understanding what we were saying!

There were pony rides one day. What fun!

300 ears of sweet corn for dinner, anyone?

Ah, swimming. We musn't forget about the swimming!
Ava is scared of water but still wanted to swim every day. Definitely a good experience for her!

The Tea Party

In which all the ladies dress up and wear fancy hats and drink tea while visiting and listening to a devotional. It's always a lovely time, and the girls loved their butterfly hats!

 Lucy's favorite part was the treats.

Ava's favorite part was the tea. (She drank three cupfuls, I think!)

My beautiful sister, Mary.

The servers:
It's become a tradition that they wear pink aprons and wear hats as well.
Such a great group of gentlemen!

Ava lingered as long as she could. After all, how often does one get to dress up and drink as much tea as one could want?

A & B

 Ava's class, singing the songs and reciting the verses they learned:

And a few randoms:

Then we said goodbye, packed up, and headed home.

I think we'd love to be back next year. 
It almost feels like home.

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