06 November, 2011

Left Arm

Yesterday (Saturday) we traveled to one of our favorite annual events, a tackle football game that involves many friends.
While playing Scott was tackled and his left arm was hit hard, which resulted in a broken bone.
The hospital recommended an orthopedic specialist, with whom we will meet tomorrow (Monday). Scott's arm is splinted, and he is resting and over all feeling well. The pain meds are doing their job so he is reasonably comfortable.
{here is his arm}
I will keep you all updated as we know what will happen, and we thank you for praying!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."


  1. Oh, ouch! We are all praying for you guys and a quick recovery for Scott!


  2. Oh OW!!

    (My brother is sore today from that game ... but I bet he heals faster than Scott does!!)
